NPS US Park Police District 1 Substation at Hains Point

NPS US Park Police District 1 Substation at Hains Point

Owner:  National Park Service
Client:  Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners, LLP
Location:  Washington, DC

Soltesz provided civil engineering design services to produce schematic design, design development, and construction documentation drawings for the 13,000 SF District 1 substation for the United States Parks Police (USPP) at Hains Point in Southwest Washington, DC. The project involves consolidation of existing facilities at one location with the primary purpose of eliminating
flooding risk at existing facilities. Hains Point is federally-owned land spanning 374 acres, and includes operations by the NPS National Capital Region, U.S. Park Police, National Mall and Memorial Parks, and Park Police District 1 substation. Portions of the current U.S. Park Police District 1 substation area located inside the 10-year floodplain, whereas the new planned station will be outside of the 100- year floodplain.

Soltesz provided civil engineering and stormwater management services for this project, including Sediment Control plan and Stormwater Management plans. Final plan approvals were submitted for review and approval from DC Water & DDOE.